07 January 2013

Danish Butter Cookies once more

This was not my first time baking Danish Butter Cookies. Had baked these scrumptious buttery cookies twice (here and here) using Shirley @ Kokken's recipe 2 years back.

But when I saw Alan of Travelling Foodies's post on Klassiske Vaniljekranse recently, I was convinced to bake these lovelies again for Alan's recipe is even easier than Shirley's. In fact, I attempted his recipe twice too. Well, the first time I ran out of disposable piping bag (no I don't own re-usable piping bag coz I shudder at the thought of washing it) and had to shape the cookies into rounds/discs manually (I tried to improvise using freezer bags/ziplocks, nope they didn't work and my kitchen was like a war zone. I felt so silly coz it was such a simple recipe and yet I was sweating all over). Still turned out nice lah but I was determined to get the pretty little wreaths.

And before I got to my second batch, Alan updated another blog piece on the Vaniljekranse again  with very very specific details of baking the cookies. Was so glad as it provided me with an opportunity to refine the cookies.

I read each and every line of his instructions and tips carefully and the results did not disappoint :) Piping was actually quite manageable, and I managed to yield about 110 pieces based on the recipe.

Oh, for authenticity, I used Lurpak butter! Nah, coz it was on sale - $8.95 for 2. LOL!

Love the little specks of vanilla beans in the cookies. (I use nielsen massey madagascar bourbon pure vanilla bean paste as well since I have a jar in my fridge).

The combination of butter and vanilla smells really heavenly! I brought some to my office and my colleagues who tasted the cookies were all intrigued by the vanilla specks :)
Dear son also loves the cookies and has been requesting the cookies every day (I limit his intake of cookies).

If you are keen, hop over to Travellingfoodies for the recipe. Be sure to read through the tips as they are really useful in ensuring the cookies turn out perfect, although this recipe is actually quite forgiving and almost impossible to fail. Have fun!


  1. When I saw this, I went to the kitchen to gather ingredients and realised that I already finished my vanilla paste during the last bake. Bummer... now I have to kiv this.

  2. Thank you for sharing, hope can find time to try this out...:))

  3. thanks for trying out the recipe and the shoutout! your cookies turned out fabz!
