It's been almost a week since we returned from our 11D10N vacation from Kansai, Japan. We didn't tour the most of Kansai region, just Osaka, Kobe (Hyogo) and Kyoto. In fact my main aim was to bring hubby to the Kobe Luminarie (had been to the Luminarie back in 2003 during a homestay programme and was mesmerized by the atmosphere then). Apart from the Luminarie, there's of course the shopping, dining and onsen experience - reasons why I love Japan!
During the 11 days, weather was a cool 10 to 15 degree celsius most of the time, didn't experience snow unlike our vacation last Dec :( I remembered there was snow when I was in Kyoto during the same period in 2003. 残念! When we touched down at Changi Airport on Christmas eve, the first thing that hitted us was the hot and humid weather, we were literally sweating the moment we stepped out of the airport. The cool and dry weather was something we definitely missed.
This vacation was generally more laid back, didn't do as much planning as I did for previous trips where I would meticulously planned an itinerary, mapped places to go and all. Armed with my ever trusty Mook Kansai Travel Guide, we planned our travelling on a day-to-day basis; woke up as late as we wanted, ate as and when we felt like it, shopped as much as our hands and luggage could carry, played as much UFO catcher as we could... a journey without extensive planning was challenging, fun and relaxing. I guess just what we needed.
The great thing about holidaying during winter was the dry and cool weather, we walked really a lot but didn't feel least bit tired. Daylight was really short though, sun began setting at 4.30pm. Downside in Japan, most shops don't open till 11am and close at 8.30pm or 9pm other than eateries; which means my shopping time was limited :p
Kansai, Japan 14 - 24 Dec 07 Itinerary
Will blog about the highlights of each day of my journey... could take some time though. Coz I'll be going off for a dive trip in a few days' time :p Yes I seem to holiday a lot but when opportunities come knocking, I must grab them while I can, shouldn't I?